Wednesday, December 9, 2015

The Graduate

William Weathersbee
Intro to film
Professor McClain                                                     
                                                  The Graduate

I watched the ‘’The Graduate’’ and it was a very remarkable movie. I find it intriguing how a movie made so long ago is still relatable when much has changed in society. I can personally relate very much with relate very much with Ben,how he doesn't know what exactly he wants to do with his life and also the expectations of others hanging over his shoulders.

A theme I seen in the movie was confusion.Ben kept getting asked what he is gonna do next and never had an answer.He also seemed frustrated and in a state of distress in the movie.Another theme I saw was innocence. This theme could be easily seen by how mrs.robinson seduced Ben.She took advantage of Ben,he was confused and didn’t know what to do.You could think of it as a adult swaying a child toward a course of action.

A symbol I seen in the movie was Mrs.Robinson.I seen her as representation of the future.I thought so because of how Ben setting and situation. He didn’t know what he wanted to with his future and didn’t want to confront it.So Mrs.Robinson confronts him and makes him make choice.This action show how she symbolize the future and he gotta make choice that will change his life forever.

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