Friday, December 18, 2015

The Royal Tenenbaums

William Weathersbee
Amanda McClain
Intro to film
                                               The Royal Tenenbaums

In this scene of the movie Royal Tenenbaums pretends he is sick and gets a doctor to come over to scheme the family to believe he is sick. In the sequence of the movie the director framed  the characters in this scene. Margot seems to be detach herself from the rest of the family and this is probably to reinforce herself feeling like she wasn’t his daughter because she was adopted and how he treated her. Also she is shown behind her movies back this could symbolize how she was only really to her mother throughout her childhood and didn’t really connect with Royal Tenenbaum.
The scenes in these sequence are more complex than they seem from character placement to even every other minor detail. The character placement can represent  their feeling towards Royal or even just adds to their character traits. What I found particular interested about the composition is that you can tell the importance Royal is to each character by their placing in the sequence.
For example Richie is right by Royal bedside one could definitely tell Richie holds special importance to Royal compared to the rest his family.Another interesting thing in the scene was Chas children placement in the scene one could definitely tell his children are concern about royal and hold him dear while Chas looks skeptical and thinks it's a ruse.Moving forward the director shows a composition of scenes of Royal bonding with Chaz kids. This could respect the attention he wanted when he was child but he only gave it to Richie.

1 comment:

  1. All of your blog posts are good, but have multiple spelling/grammar errors, making them hard to read. Additionally, they could all go more in-depth. Each post earned 90 points.
